Live Training: Create Custom Post Template in Cornerstone 6 / Pro Theme – Hands-on Demo

Hey there! In this tutorial, I show you how to create custom post templates to give a client’s website a nice and consistent look using the Pro theme in Cornerstone 6. I guide you through setting up conditions for templates so they’re applied just where they’re needed – to certain post types or pages. With these customizations, I’ve managed to modernize the client’s site while keeping everything looking cohesive across various pages and content.

Check out my process and pick up some handy tips to level up your own web design game!

Michael Baker
Owner, Lead Project Manager
Michael Baker Digital

Need training? Reach out here

Key Moments:

00:00:01 – Introduction to Cornerstone and website redesign
– Jumping into Cornerstone, homepage redesign
00:01:28 – Closing single layout, starting from scratch
00:02:22 – Creating single layout using template
– Assigning layout to singular pages/posts
– Adjusting title, grid, gap in layout
– Adjusting font sizes for devices
– Reducing padding in section
– Changing background color for contrast
00:10:36 – Adding sidebar to content
– Adjusting column widths, saving as global template
– Expanding content area for better look
00:16:13 – Customizing consumer section display
00:17:02 – Headline element above posts, renaming to “Recent Posts”
00:18:08 – Adjusting headline’s margin, bold, resizing
– Changing column’s background color to light gray
– Adding padding to column, adjusting for mobile
00:21:09 – Working on global post templates
00:22:32 – Applying post templates globally, modifying for consistency
– Creating separate post template for pages
00:25:01 – Adjusting conditions for post template
00:25:54 – Conclusion, summarizing global post templates in Pro theme using Cornerstone 6

#DigitalMarketing #ContentCreation #ChatGPT #SocialMedia #OnlineMarketing

Local Digital Marketing Professional

Orange, CT U.S.A.

I'm a hands-on 25 year work from home digital marketing professional and strength trainer in Orange, CT and I live the life I talk about.
  • Every business has a unique digital marketing stack. I assess your objectives and help facilitate building or optimizing that stack.

  • All of my client websites are built on Pro / X Theme using Cornerstone builder and hosted on WPEngine Managed WordPress or a Shopify storefront.
  • Beyond the initial build I help clients with ongoing maintenance, consulting, 1-on-1 training and hands-on help with their digital marketing objectives.

Digital Marketing Strategy
Web Presence Creation
Custom WordPress
Custom WooCommerce
Shopify Plus Migration
Digital Ad Management
E-commerce Launch
Content Creation
Generative AI
Project Management
Talent Scouting
Motion Graphics
Local SEO
WordPress Hosting
Meta Business Manager
Email Marketing
Google Ads
Facebook Ads

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