May 23, 2018 at 1:38 am
Mike Baker
[quote quote=1706]I already had help with support with the name servers. I had no idea what CNAME and A record was…lol…so the guy walked me through it. So now I need to set up the SSL, which I thought I got a free one with WP Engine, but I guess not. What would you recommend for that? A certain company, a free one?
Anyway, thanks Mike for all your help so far, I have more questions to come so be ready…!!![/quote]
Yes a free one comes with the individual plan. On the left of the admin panel in WPEngine is an ssl option.
You will need to have them help you edit the database to update to https (it’s in 2 places in the WP_Options table siteurl & home) and they will help or probably just do it for you.